Punta de Rieles Correctional Facility
Peralta Wind Farm
Photovoltaic solar plants
Pintado Wind Farm
Talas de Maciel II Wind Farm
Water Treatment Plant (Aceguá)
Electrical tests and commissioning services
ALUR: Biomass
CAP | Waste management and urban hygiene services
Punta de Rieles Correctional Facility
Scientific Police headquarters building
GIS station - 150 kV (Jose Ignacio)
Parking "Florida"
Fishing boat pier
Railroad track rehabilitation
"Ciudad de la Costa" sewage grid
"Punta de Rieles" Correctional Facility
Antel Arena multifunctional complex.
Peralta Wind Farm
Photovoltaic solar plants
"Fray Bentos" landfill
STF |Operation of stockpile areas.
TGA | Landfill operation service (Fray Bentos)
Pintado Wind Farm
Integral waste management service. UPM Project
UPM: Harvesting and Forwarding
CGF: Harvesting and Forwarding
Talas de Maciel II Wind Farm
TGA | Integral waste management service for large infrastructre construction projects
Convention and Exhibition Center .
GESA | Supply of chips for industries.
Water Treatment Plant (Aceguá)
Electrical tests and commissioning services
TGA | Sewage networks cleaning service
TGA | Integral management of sanitary, commercial and industrial waste
TGA | Integral waste management service. Montes del Plata Project
Pulp Mill - Conchillas.
Collection services of recyclable waste in the city of Durazno
Pulp Mill - Fray Bentos.
Comprehensive Cleaning Service (Antel Arena)
Pulp mill`s water treatment plants
Bioethanol Production Plant
Wind Farms
Fuel desulphurization plant
Malt Processing Plant
"Oscar Magurno Souto" Hospital
American Hospital
“Juan Pablo II” Hospital
Sector 5 – Army Central Hospital
Cement Plant (Cementos Artigas)
Cement Plant (Ancap Minas)
Cement Plant (Ancap Paysandú)
“José Batlle y Ordoñez” power plant
"Aguas Corrientes" Potable Water Plant
Waste Water Treatment Plant (Melo)
Water pumping line
Melo Converter Station
500 kV Stations
Rivera Converter Station
Solís Theater
Colonia Fluvial Passenger Terminal